DA LIFE is a Kauai born small company that specializes in quality OUTDOOR GEAR. Against the backdrop of Kauai’s natural beauty, and the many challenges it offers to nature loving enthusiasts. DA LIFE was created and is operated by a team of professional athletes. All with solid backgrounds in healthy and challenging outdoor activities. DA LIFE stays true to the course of responsibly enjoying, and learning. From Hiking and Camping to Surfing and Paddling; Swimming, Canyoneering, Sailing, Diving and Snorkeling, DA LIFE has the gear to assist.
About Us
Each year, a small team from DA LIFE attends the National Outdoor Retailer Trade Show. This event brings together the latest in outdoor gear development worldwide. It is the biggest and best attended show in North America. Every national and international brand is present there. A terrific place to be on the lookout for the latest in new gear development. DA LIFE is very selective in its choice of gear, with emphasis on quality, and sustainability.
DA LIFE has a Hiking and Canyoneering adventure division waterfallrappel.com as well as, a strong partner with a long connection to the beach and the ocean. More information please visit kauaibeachboys.com
DaLife Outdoor Gear
Da Life carries products that support your need for fun, adventure and nature time. We use our years of experience as surfers and adventure seekers to test, research and source some of the best outdoor gear on the planet. Visit our retail store location at Kalapaki Beach, or shop DaLife logo wear and Outdoor Gear online.
DA LIFE is a Registered brand name, with a physical location at KALAPAKI BEACH 3610 Rice Street, P.O. Box 1722, Lihue, HI 96766 (next to Duke’s restaurant).
Live DaLife
We are fortunate to “Live Da Life” as we work and play in paradise every day. Our terrific team of outdoor athletes love the ocean and enthusiastically promote DA LIFE lifestyle by sharing memorable, and exciting experiences with our customers, our friends, and our industry partners.
We asked our team rider and professional waterman: What does it mean to “Live Da Life”?
“Live happy and be a good person” – Krishan (Surf Instructor)